Monday, April 13, 2020

"I hope I didn't lead them on. I had 0 potential."

Helllooooo family and friends!

Another great week ahead of us I think. Actually, I know. 
Sometimes I wonder how blessed we can get, and then Heavenly Father blesses me again! Isn't God great? 

My days are filled with video call lessons over Zoom and Facebook messenger, or phone calls or texts. We make videos and try to grow our skills and talents so the Lord may use them. We paint, draw, sing, write, and try not to go crazy! We often take long walks and I adore getting to see all the history in this cute little town. Gettysburg is a blessed place to be quarantined in! 

So you would think that whilst in quarantine I would have all the time in the world to write a nicely lengthy email that is organized and makes logical sense. Unfortunately, those dreams died before they were born! Turns out quarantine life is just as busy, perhaps more so than before. I guess I never knew the full potential of this cute little mobile device until I was forced to spend 90% of my time staring at it and struggling to understand it. But now I'll never be the same, so lucky me! 

I'd like to start with one of my all-time favorite scriptures, found within the Book of Mormon: Alma 26:7! It says, "But behold, they are in the hands of the Lord of the harvest, and they are his, and he will raise them up at the last day." This simple and short scripture is overflowing with hope and peace. Hope is extremely important to me. It lends motivation, comfort, and truthfully most everything revolves around it. So, maybe I should explain. You are His. The God of the universe. The Creator of the world. The Savior of us all. Has you in his hands, and proudly claims you as His. 
Back story time: once upon a moment in time, Sister Morrison struggled to understand her divine nature. She knew she was a daughter of God, and it made sense logically that she was loved, but she didn't necessarily feel it. Dark times my friends. However, one day her brother pointed out a chapter in Moses and a single scripture became her beacon of light guiding her home. Moses 7:43 reads, "Wherefore Enoch saw that Noah built an ark; and that the Lord smiled upon it, and held it in his own hand..." Imagine for just a second that you are Noah on the ark. The winds are blowing fierce and strong, the waves stretch high above you and crash into your boat, the world seems to be in chaos. You are pouring out your heart to the Lord because you are very scared. And sad because you lost some loved ones. Now zoom out. Here you see God the Father holding this little ark in His mighty hands, smiling at the adorable creations He made, who are freaking out. How tender is that? To Noah, it was the scariest and hardest thing he's ever been through! And yet, Heavenly Father tenderly wraps His hands around them and smiles at them. I'm sure a smile from our Father could melt the hardest of hearts. 

Therefore, what? The world is in chaos. The "waves are crashing," the power of nature seems destined to be our doom. But you had better believe that Heavenly Father has His hands wrapped snugly around you. No mere virus can stop the power of the Master of all. May I repeat a well-known and beloved hymn, "Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side; with patience bear thy cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide: in every change, He faithful will remain. Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heavenly Friend through thorny ways, leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake to guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope,  thy confidence let nothing shake; all now mysterious shall be bright at last! Be still, my soul: the winds and waves still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below." 

As I've said, my beloved people, God is good. Believe in Him and in His power, and never forget hope. Let it fill your mind and heart. I can personally testify that God's work continues, He is not slowing down, but in fact, is speeding His work along. Run with it! Every day I have an opportunity to be a part of that glorious work of Salvation, and my goodness the hope it brings!! There is joy to be had in this gospel, the kind that never ends and only seems to intensify. 

I would also include some Frenchie stuff but I'm a little short on time now (no surprises there) so I'll put in a scripture instead. 

2 Néphi 4:20-21 
"Mon Dieu a été mon soutien ; il m’a conduit à travers mes afflictions dans le désert, et il m’a préservé sur les eaux du grand abîme.
 Il m’a rempli de son amour, oui, jusqu’à ce que ma chair en soit consumée."

I love you all and pray that you'll have a sane, healthy, very good week! 
Bisous et câlins, Sister Morrison 
Onward and Upward!
Que Dieu vous bénisse


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