Thursday, August 13, 2020

Obviously I should be the center of everyone's attention

 Hellloooo friends and family! 

Might I say how blessed we are. I mean truthfully, I don't know how much more blessed anyone can get. We have this beautiful earth with its variety and life, we have the sky in all its glory and fluffy clouds, we even have people that are all completely unique and special. And we are grateful for the diversity of existence. 
This week was fantastic and interesting. I was invited to give the talk yesterday. As per the usual, someone had stepped down, and us missionaries talk about the gospel day in and day out, so it truly only makes sense to have us as backup. I'm never opposed to it.......until it's my turn to talk. Then, I'm ready to run for the exits. BUT I survived long enough for my studies and notes and the Spirit to take me away and deliver a respectable talk in front of all 24 people. 
I was given the talk, "The Finest Homes" by Elder Clayton of the Seventy. I had fun studying this because it actually pertains to us as missionaries! The whole talk was about how we can make our homes like the temple. Special places where we can let the Spirit reside are important refuges from the storm. So how do we make our homes like the temple? 
#1 Increase the quality of individuals living within the home. The purpose of our lives are to become more like Jesus Christ. As each person takes that journey, the overall quality of the household will inevitably increase. 
#2 Read the word of God every day. Whether it's the scriptures, or talks from our modern day apostles and prophets, it's extremely important that we take time to listen to Heavenly Father regularly. Someone once referred to the scriptures as the "pre-recorded" voice of God. Hence why we should read if we want an answer from Him. 
#3 We should model our homes after the temple, which is the house of God. If we are doing that then our speech, actions, thoughts, and interactions with one another will begin to be more sincere and full of love. The Spirit of the Lord will reside in our homes and help each of us be better at the first two points as well! 
#4 The "finest homes" are places of refuge from the storms of life. A place where we feel uplifted, encouraged, safe, and happy. No matter what happens, the home is one place you should always be able to rely on for strength and support. If you can't make your whole home feel like a refuge, pick a spot! 

The home is an incredibly important place, especially now. There should not be contention, anger, worry, or stress induced. Instead, we should find love and understanding as we express ourselves and learn to rely on Heavenly Father. 

Mosiah 2:22 
《Et voici, tout ce qu’il exige de vous, c’est que vous gardiez ses commandements ; et il vous a promis que si vous gardiez ses commandements, vous prospéreriez dans le pays ; et il ne varie jamais de ce qu’il a dit ; c’est pourquoi, si vous gardez ses commandements, il vous bénit et vous fait prospérer.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward!
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Mon adresse:
200 Caraway Rd Apt 2B 
Reisterstown, MD 21136 

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