Monday, May 18, 2020

I can smell the nice day

Hey y'all!

The most dreaded part of preparation day is when I have to write this stinkin email. I'm too exhausted to write emails. I could say this faster in person with more detail. Just goes to show how much I love y'all I guess. 

Anywho, this week was actually really fun. Sister Whitcomb and I have become fast friends and the days seem to be speeding past. Seriously, I don't know if I have the brain power to keep up. Luckily, our sojourns out into the real world are being more frequent and a smidge longer that they used to be so that's awesome. We also have begun playing tennis in the mornings. Basically we're training to be the next Williams sisters after quarantine gets out. Wimbledon here we come! 

Also, breaking news, we got a ukelele!! We asked and within 24 hours we had one and it's awesome! I love getting to learn and strum. It's way easier than the guitar at least! Only four lil strings? Sign me up! We'll hopefully be making some awesome videos soon. Lots of parodies of regular songs made into gospel-y songs for sure. 

This week we started teach this cute little lady named Milli. She is an absolute doll. I love her! She is a sassy old black lady with a spicy attitude and a contagious laugh. She's super open to having us talk to her and share messages and even said that she would love a copy of the Book of Mormon. Her son is a recent convert in a different ward, so he's been helping us out. She's honestly so precious. I can't wait to teach her about the temple and eternal families! She's gonna love it! We also have been trying to calm a lot of people but we're beginning to run out of numbers. Maybe we'll have to start writing letters....

Still no word on if we're getting some new Sister(s) or not, but it tends to be a surprise for everyone. Usually, they give us at least 24 hours of notice. Usually. I'll keep ya updated! 

Also, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!! I was overflowing with happiness and gratitude. So many people reach out to wish me a special day and I am so so so grateful. I was definitely not looking forward to it, but I actually had an amazing day! Sister Whitcomb made me a key lime and black raspberry pie (and yeah, it was wicked good,) some members dropped off Chick fil a, and I got cards, messages, gifts and notes. It turned out to be one of my favorite and most memorable birthdays ever! I love y'all so much!! It's super weird to be 20 now, no longer any teen years to hold on to, but it's definitely been a blessed two decades. Thanks to all the amazing people I've shared them with. 

Alma 34:38
"que vous ne combattiez plus le Saint-Esprit, mais que vous le receviez et preniez sur vous le nom du Christ ; que vous vous humiliiez jusqu’à la poussière, et adoriez Dieu, en quelque lieu que vous vous trouviez, en esprit et en vérité ; et que vous viviez quotidiennement dans les actions de grâces pour les miséricordes et les nombreuses bénédictions qu’il vous accorde." Toujours remercier!! Toujours, toujours, toujours!!! 

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

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