Monday, March 2, 2020

I con-kronk

Weekly weekly weekly!
I'm so bad at writing weekly emails. Truth be told I think it's just laziness because if any of you know me, you also know that I take 5 bajillion years to tell a story of how I ate a slice of cheese. It's a problem I'm still overcoming. 
And speaking of cheese, my first story from the week! I've been praying about how I'm fulfilling all the expectations that I put on myself, and what I should be doing more, what I should stop doing, and how I am to know that I'm actually doing in regards to missionary work and being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Sometimes (most of the time) I think we all feel like we aren't doing all we should, or succeeding in the tasks and projects we create for ourselves. As a missionary, with so many things you "should be" doing and so many "checklists" of things you say and do, it can be even more difficult to feel like you're doing well. Anyways, here I am, mulling over my apparent failures and dwelling on frustrations at church, and someone comes up and says "Hey I left something in the freezer for you!" And rushes off. Confused a bit but excited, we of course forgot about it and left after church was done. That night we remembered and ran back to go check it out! It turned out to be a pint of chocolate peanut butter Tillamook ice cream. I think I swooned a bit when we saw it. Such a gentle reminder that God is looking out for us and He is 100% aware of me in a real and personal way. That knowledge is enough to put a big smile on my face and faith in my heart! 
Second story! As some of you know, and if you do or don't either way, I'm going to tell you, missionaries rely a lot on the Spirit to guide them in their daily work. And if you don't feel confident in your ability to hear and recognize the Spirit, it makes work a little hard to do. So one night we were walking along and I felt prompted to go down a certain street. We walked and walked and walked. I still hadn't felt like we should knock any certain house and I began doubting that I had received a prompting at all! I stopped on a street corner and look first to the right, then straight ahead, and then left. None of them felt like the right way. A bit discouraged, I looked again and listened intently. Finally, I had the faintest feeling that I should turn around and backtrack. So around we went, and pretty soon, no further than two or three houses down, I saw a house and it felt warm and inviting.  So we knocked and lo and behold! There were Jane and Don. Two very nice people who said they were just talking about how years ago, some Elders had taught them and then they left and they never heard from missionaries again! We talked about the scriptures and how we can receive knowledge through them. And they even gave us umbrellas to walk through the rain in! (It was a sweet gesture but I thought that my raincoat was a bit much for the sprinkling we had haha. You can take the girl out of Oregon  but you can't take the Oregon out of the girl!)
How grateful I am that our Father has a much better plan than I do. One hymn I've really grown to love while on my mission is called "Lead Kindly Light." One of the verses says "Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me." This week we also had the privilege of hearing Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Seventy. This was one of the things he talked about. Having hope is so incredibly crucial for living with real joy. I don't know my path, but I do hope for the destination. I don't know what's in front of me, but I hope that my Shepherd is leading me to places of rest and joy. Trust, faith, and hope all lend to one another so beautifully. My heart aches for those missionaries affected by the Coronavirus who's missions are ending or changing. I hope each of them knows that their small sacrifices will lend to an abundance of rich blessings. Only our merciful God, who is kind and true forever, would and could give us blessings that FAR outweigh the payment He receives. Every day I see those tender mercies. Every day I am in awe. 
Anywho! Hope you all have a great week! I'm constantly laughing and having a grand ole time here in Virginia! Just the other day we were busting a rib talking about Germans making plexiglass. I do rather love being a missionary😍

Aujourd'hui, je voulais parler de la message du rétablissement de l'Évangile de Jésus-Christ! Dieu nous aime. Il dans son amour, a repris contact avec les enfants! En dix-huit vingt Joseph Smith était confus au sujet de la religion. Joseph a la étude la Bible pour comprendre comment agir. Après avoir lu une écriture dans la Bible, Joseph a prié Dieu. Voici ce qui s'est passé: "Je vis, exactement au-dessus de ma tête, une colonne de lumière, plus brillante que le soleil, descendre peu à peu jusqu’à tomber sur moi. Quand la lumière se posa sur moi, je vis deux Personnages dont l’éclat et la gloire défient toute description, et qui se tenaient au-dessus de moi dans les airs. L’un d’eux me parla, m’appelant par mon nom, et dit, en me montrant l’autre : Celui-ci est mon Fils bien-aimé. Écoute-le !" C'est magnifique! Je suis reconnaissante pour l'amour de notre Père Céleste!! Je sais que l'Évangile de Jésus-Christ est vrai. Grâce à Joseph Smith, nous peux vivons heureux! 

That's all for now folks! I love you all! Thank you for your prayers! 

Love, Sister Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu Vous bénisse 💕

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