Hope you all had a fantastic President's Day weekend!
So the first of my fantastic news! My brand-spanking-new companion is Sister Wood! She comes from Southern California in a little town called Hesperia. She is an amazing piano player and it's so fun to hear her play! She really understands the music and creates beautiful stories out of her music. Music is the language of our souls I think. Anywho, she is crazy awesome and already is so comfortable jumping in and testifying! We're both so excited to see how this transfer goes!
Fun story: Once upon a time I carried around a dead man in my car. No, I'm not kidding.
Okay so back story: I was invited to sing Amazing Grace at a member's husband's memorial this Saturday. Easy peasy. We went over to her house to finalize the program and she asked us if we would take a box to set up at the church for the service. Just display items. An old flag, a hat from his years of service, a few odds and ends. Whatever. Basically, I thought nothing of it. That is until we got to a meeting that night with our Elders Quorum President and we began talking about the decor for the memorial service. Suddenly it occurred to me....."Was her husband cremated or buried?" I asked. He replied with a fatal, "Yes. Why do you ask?" I then immediately sprinted from the room saying "no no no no no" and retrieved the box that had been in our backseat all day. You see folks, I had noticed a cute little jar painted like an American flag in the bottom. I, in a subconscious effort to spare myself, had thought nothing of it.
And now I came to the full conclusion that I indeed had been carrying Arthur in my car all day.
What makes this story worse (or funnier, depending on how you look at it,) is that we have to keep him in our living room until Saturday. Every night I pray that Art stays happy and content with his little jar.
And that is just a taste of my poor companions first week in the mission field. We've certainly had quite a few laughs. We've had doors slammed in our faces, a couple of crazy lessons, and more than a little confusion as I've been faced with new challenges. Being a trainer is not exactly how I expected it to be. It's better in a lot of ways, but that's mostly due to how amazing my companion is!
As for the French.....oh la la. J'apprends plus, mais mon français n'est pas bien. Mais pour cela, je sais "Je puis tout par celui qui me fortifie," (Phillippiens 4:13). Je sais Dieu est notre Père céleste. Ils nous aime. Nous sommes ses enfants! Grâce à l’Expiation du Christ, nous pouvons être tellement heureux!!
I hope you all have an amazing week! You are all in my prayers and heart. Thank you for your continued patience, love, and compassion! Please continue serving the Lord!
Love, Sister Morrison
Onward and Upward
Que Dieu Vous bénisse 
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