Monday, September 30, 2019

3 Months already?!

Hello friends! 
I reached my 3 months a couple of days ago and I honestly am shocked. I can't decide if I'm freaking out because it's only been 3 months and I have 15 left or if it's because I ONLY HAVE 15 MONTHS LEFT. Time is going way too fast.... slight panic over here but it's okay. 
My favorite quote of the week is "There isn't a person in the world you wouldn't love if you could read their story."
I absolutely love this quote because it just goes to show you that no one knows what's in each other's heart or mind. It's hard to remember when you have so much going on in your own life, that other people have a bunch going on in their lives too. Some people can seem prickly or standoffish, some can seem to lack motivation or will, some people are just sad and withdrawn. You can judge quickly and harshly based on appearances, and they may be accurate, skin deep. But the truth is we don't know why! How did they end up at this place? What have they seen, experienced and felt? And you and I will never know the full story. Maybe it's your mom, maybe your brother, maybe the homeless man on the corner.
But they are all children of God. And, they all have a Savior who does know you perfectly. The Savior has been through what you have and worse! Every second of your life people! He offers you the sweetest and the very best peace you absolutely and possibly can. I promise you because I know it for myself! 
If you haven't seen or heard of it, my comp and I recorded a beautiful medley of two of my favorite songs ever and posted it on Facebook! It's basically my testimony in song form, (which is the most accurate way I can share my testimony.) 
A cool story from this week: we were at an appointment with a member and we sang our song for her and she was crying by the end it was the cutest thing I've seen. She was so cute!
And we got to talk to one of our friends and he was asking us about aliens, dinosaurs, Bigfoot, dragons, and the abyss. You know, normal stuff we missionaries talk about 😂It was an interesting and hilarious conversation. I was dying laughing. Dragons do exist though, so no arguments there. Because obviously they did. But we won't go into that. 
Anyways, I love you all and I know that God loves you! Have a blessed week my friends! 
Love, Sister Morrison 
Onwards and Upwards 

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