Monday, December 14, 2020

I ont e'en nö

 Well folks


Here we are 

Honestly, I wasn't sure how I got here. Now looking back, I can see it a little better. 

I'm not even sure what to say. My heart is at war with itself. 

Here's what I do know:
Heavenly Father loves you and me infinitely. There are not enough words to accurately describe the measure of His love. It's the truest and realest love I have ever felt. 
Jesus Christ is my personal and eternal Savior. Not just for those hard sins or those bad days, but the triumphs and the happiness too. Not just for a slip up once or twice. But for every time. He knows I'm not perfect. He knows I'll fall down. But he helps me back up and helps me see my potential. He sees me as who I am even when I can't, and he treats me like the daughter of Almighty God I was born to be. 
The Holy Spirit is a priceless and precious gift. I'm eternally grateful for his guidance, his patience and long suffering. Without the Spirit we are lost with no way of knowing where to go. 

Honestly, I could go in forever about this stuff. I just spent 18 months of my life learning about it and seeing it work. Ask me and I'll never shut up about it. 

I am changed. I am better. And I'm grateful for your support and prayers on this journey of mine. Never forget that you are not alone. You have 4 people (three of whom I just mentioned and the other being me,) who are always willing and able to help. 

I'll see y'all real real soon! 

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, December 7, 2020

I'm pretty sure our neighbors are professional bowlers

 Howdy do 

This email was supposed to be sent last week 
I've still got a final email to write after this one. Just thought I'd send it anyway

I have no idea why I started saying that, or what prompted me to start, but I guess it's happening now because I literally cannot stop. 
Also, I apologize for not sending my email last week. It's been wild these past two weeks. 
Okay so here's the run-down of the last two weeks:

First of all, Adam got BAPTIZED! Craziest baptism ever, and all of my baptisms have been super random and crazy. I've never had a normal baptism. This guy came out of nowhere and wanted to be baptized in .2 seconds. Well, he did and now he's been a member for about a week and a half now and it's fabulous. It was a small and kinda lonely baptism to be honest, with only 5 people. But it was an incredible and exciting experience nonetheless!

Then of course the next day was Thanksgiving and that was wonderful! We had a member offer to bring us food, but it was gonna be like instant potatoes, jarred gravy, and other gross stuff, (sorry to anyone who likes that haha.) Soooooooo we made it all ourselves. Turkey, rolls, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, gravy, pies, and assorted others. It was delicious and a great way to celebrate my official 17 month mark! 

We also got a brand new companion! It's been wild! She's crazy and sassy and I love her! Now I'm in a trio again. We have so much fun and I've been making so much good food! We laugh and talk and we're best friends already and it makes me so happy. She's from Utah (haha dangit) but she's so chill and we are pretty similar. I can be my usual sarcastic and teasing self, and she understands my humor! Her name Sorella Tucker. She is actually called to the Milan Italy mission, so she speaks Italian which is hilarious bc now we have 3 languages in the house so language calls get confusing. We're all learning each other's languages now. It's pretty confusing but I'm okay with it! 

Alma 9:26-27
《Et il ne se passera pas beaucoup de jours que le Fils de Dieu ne vienne dans sa gloire ; et sa gloire sera la gloire du Fils unique du Père, plein de grâce, d’équité et de vérité, plein de patience, de miséricorde et de longanimité, prompt à écouter les supplications de son peuple et à répondre à ses prières.
Et voici, il vient racheter ceux qui seront baptisés au repentir, par la foi en son nom.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

I ont e'en nö

  Well folks Friends Family  Here we are  Honestly, I wasn't sure how I got here. Now looking back, I can see it a little better.  I...