Monday, September 28, 2020

My Tilly is dented!

 Hi mom! 

I'm still sane and yes I do bake a lot still. 
Do you ever relax into a new routine and then look back and think, hmmm. That's strange. I didn't realize how weird that was until just now. That's kinda what Covid and being a missionary in quarantine has been like for me. It just became normal and I've grown accustomed to it now, so sometimes when someone mentions my odd situation, I actually get a little startled and think, "Huh. You're actually so right." 

I'm sorry for not sending an update email last week. Time got away from me. Someday I'll have good time management. That day is not today. But honestly, I had a boring week anyway....

Honestly this week was as well, but we made the best of it. We went back to the Asian market for more goods to make yummy Korean food! I'm excited! Plus, their seafood was wicked cheap so I'm having fish tacos this week! 

Okay okay so let's get real. (You know you're a missionary when the Safety Zone song goes through your head. Blegh.) 

I had a lil experience I felt like sharing because your testimony can only grow as far as you spread it, ya know? 

So a few days ago, I was feeling very low. I got caught up in my thoughts and allowed my doubts to cloud judgement. Honestly and truly, I took small problems or mistakes and altered them to be massive problems and complete failures. I felt I even deserved to be chastised from the Lord, or at least punished in some way. I was sorrowful, and guilty. I began to pray in my heart. Sincere and honest, apologizing and pleading. And I began to write in my journal my thoughts and feelings. As I was finishing the page, I signed my name, "Love, Sister Morrison," and I thought to myself, "Am I even worthy of the title anymore?" Immediately, a swift and powerful feeling entered my heart. I AM worthy. I'm SO loved. Instead of rebuking, the Lord softly and gently reminded me of my worth. I was perplexed but grateful. Tears began to roll out of my eyes. I thought I deserved harshness or anger, I felt ashamed, and yet the Lord chose to instead remind me of His infinite love for me. I can hardly type this without feeling gratitude and my eyes filling with more tears. That day He first choose to love me. Then He reminded me of Jesus Christ and his infinite atoning power, and how through it we can receive forgiveness and become better and more pure. He reminded me that it's okay. That I will mess up, but the best part of messing up is that I can be lifted back up again. That I can become stronger and better. That is a miracle my friends. One that happens all the time! 

Our God is good. He is loving. He is merciful. You just have to trust in that. And if you don't, trust in me. 

Éther 6:12 
《Et ils abordèrent sur le rivage de la terre promise. Et lorsqu’ils eurent mis pied sur les rivages de la terre promise, ils se prosternèrent sur la surface du pays, et s’humilièrent devant le Seigneur, et versèrent des larmes de joie devant le Seigneur à cause de l’immensité de ses tendres miséricordes envers eux》

Have an amazing week all you amazing sons and daughters of the Almighty. 

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, September 14, 2020

I feel like I'm eating lip gloss

 Hey friends! I definitely didn't send my email last week. Again. Whoopsie. 

It's the end of the transfer so you know what that means..........
Staying in Hampstead with Sister Im!!! Unfortunately, Sister Swann is leaving us and I'm super bummed. She's been one of my favorite companions, and we get along really well. I love her but I'm happy she gets to go to a new area! Any kind of change is so nice during quarantine. 
Buuuuttttt I just bought a bamboo steamer so this transfer is gonna be amazing! We have some big plans for our diet these next 6 weeks. 
So, we finally got to do some service. I've been dying for it AND to top it all off, Heavenly Father made sure that it rained the entire time we were outside! We got to go huck some corn for the food bank. A sweet old farmer grows a square purely for the Maryland Food Bank and then volunteers go through and pick it all! It was so much fun! One of the counselors in the mission presidency helped set everything up so he was out there with us! The Spanish Elders that serve in our ward got to come as well so it was a missionary party! Our area is not conducive to much service opportunities, and the last time the Elders tried to take pictures of headstones for family history, they got the cops called on them. Soooo our options are very slim, but all is well! We are still having tons of fun! Then we also got to go harvest potatoes for a mourning and that was amazing. We even got to keep some and I sure do love my potatoes so I was a very happy missionary. 
So, with Sister Swann leaving we finally were able to make it out to the "best frozen custard" place in town. Don't you love how there are little ice cream/frozen custard places sprinkled all over the country and every town claim to have the best one? They're all amazing and unique and this one was adorable. I apologize for my squinty face. I was temporarily blinded by the sunshine. 
So yeah. Our week was very interesting. I have been thinking a lot recently about the importance of a testimony. It's the kind of fuel that doesn't fade. It's motivation when we feel sad, stress, anger, confusion, or fear. Our testimony is the strands of hope that hold everything in place. I highly encourage everyone to do all they can to continue to build their testimonies by prayer, scriptures, and daily studies. When I go a day without reading my scriptures, I feel awful. Honestly. I am totally off, I don't feel uplifted or happy. I can have a good day but there's always the feeling that I messed up somewhere. That's because I didn't start my day with the Lord. I'm 100% serious when I say it makes me smile more. It brightens my soul! We all need more light in our life, so just let your testimony grow to be that light. 
I love you all so very much and I hope you all know how much I appreciate you! 

Alma 12:15
《15 Mais cela ne peut être : nous devons nous lever et nous tenir devant lui dans sa gloire, et dans son pouvoir, et dans sa puissance, sa majesté et sa domination, et reconnaître, à notre honte éternelle, que tous ses jugements sont justes, qu’il est juste dans toutes ses œuvres et qu’il est miséricordieux envers les enfants des hommes, et qu’il a tout pouvoir de sauver tout homme qui croit en son nom et produit du fruit digne du repentir.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

🌽Our corn pickin'
🐄The Cow
😥 goodbyes


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My brother was mad because I took his 'shrooms


So, first of all, I had in-person interviews with my mission President and they were absolutely wonderful! He's just such a kind and loving man. His vulnerability makes him endearing, his honesty makes him trustworthy, and I think he's just adorable. We had a nice long chat because the first interview we had was very rushed. (I may or may not have been a smidge late and therefore missed the call hehehe.) We both were listening to the Spirit and let the Lord speak through us, both in asking questions and our responses, and we ended up answering each other's prayers. It always such a beautiful moment when you realize you've been a tool of the Lord's, and made even better when you see that joy reciprocated on the face of the person you're talking to. Boy oh boy do I just adore this gospel! The interview was hefty. It was supposed to be 10 minutes, but we sat there for a solid half an hour. President Nye and I feed off of each other's energies. He kept asking questions and I'd answer and then he'd have a story to share, and then I had a get the picture. It was clear that we were both there for similar reasons and trying our best to fulfill the Lord's expectations of us. My interview turned into more of a council. I always appreciate that because often people in a position of power talk down to you instead of with you. President Nye is very aware of that, and is so so humble to the fact that he's new and learning too! I really do love him. 

ALSO IT'S BEEN RAINING AND THUNDERING AND LIGHTNINING AND I'M SO EXCITED! If any of you are not aware, I absolutely adore rain!! It's been a beautiful past couple of days and we got more to come! How wild is this? 

Also, we have a mouse in our kitchen. We were in the middle of a lesson and out of the corner of my eye I see something moving. At first, I thought our sink had leaked or something but when I turned to look, suddenly I realized that actually no, it was a grown mouse. A queen's mouse I believe it's called. With a very long tail and fluffy little ears. Disgusting. No offense. But it scampered away and only invaded the one room that makes me happiest. Our poor kitchen. Oh well. We have a little friend now. We're still coming up with a name, so if you got a good one, send it my way. 

Speaking of sending, if you've sent me a letter and I haven't replied yet, it's because I am out of stamps again. Sorry! 

Anyway, life is grand. Somehow this transfer has blown right by. On Saturday we find out if we're staying or leaving. I kinda hope I stay. But both of my companions have been here for a little while. Sister Im has been in this ward for 4½ months, Sister Swann is at 3 months, so I guess we'll see what it all brings! It's been a wild transfer that's for sure, but I've loved it all. I can't believe that August is already gone! Now school is starting and Halloween is just around the corner (can't wait!!) Baking season is almost upon us people! Yaaayyyyy!

A lil spiritual thought for you all before I skedaddle. I love in Matthew 9:2 when Jesus Christ asks the man with palsy to "be of good cheer," because he hasn't been healed of his palsy yet! The problem he came to the Lord with is still not fixed. He very easily could have been a little upset, maybe frustrated that the Lord isn't healing him of the one thing he asked for that has been ruining his life for so many years. Frankly, I think we all have our own "palsy" or physical restrictions that we bring to the Lord and ask him to heal. We know that the Lord has power to heal us. Even the power to heal us instantaneously. Yet the Lord has forgiven him of his sins, and that was enough for him to "be of good cheer." Our physical circumstances may not be what we want or desire, but we have access to the most divine spiritual gift, the Atonement of Jesus Christ! You can "be of good cheer" when you utilize this gift, no matter your physical restrictions. Peace is not having everything in your life running as smooth as possible while you take a bubble bath, (although that would be nice.) Peace is knowing that the place that you stand on is firm in Jesus Christ, our Rock and our Redeemer. Peace is knowing that even though the storm rages on, you have something to strengthen you through it. And of course, the man was healed of his palsy. The Lord doesn't ignore our pleas. He loves us and wants the best for us. But he expects trust and faith in him and his power. He will always take care of us. He does not want us to fail, that's not his plan. But the next time you think to complain about quarantine or how hard it is to endure whatever mortal, physical, temporary trial you have to go through, remember that the greatest gift of all others is the Atonement. It has been given freely, bought with the most precious life this world has ever seen, and given to you to use at any moment. I would rather be stuck inside alone for the rest of my life than never have the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

Mosiah 3:7 
《Et voici, il souffrira les tentations, et la souffrance du corps, la faim, la soif et la fatigue, plus encore que l’homme ne peut en souffrir sans en mourir ; car voici, du sang lui sort de chaque pore, si grande sera son angoisse pour la méchanceté et les abominations de son peuple.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Pics: interviews with President Nye! 

I ont e'en nö

  Well folks Friends Family  Here we are  Honestly, I wasn't sure how I got here. Now looking back, I can see it a little better.  I...