Monday, December 14, 2020

I ont e'en nö

 Well folks


Here we are 

Honestly, I wasn't sure how I got here. Now looking back, I can see it a little better. 

I'm not even sure what to say. My heart is at war with itself. 

Here's what I do know:
Heavenly Father loves you and me infinitely. There are not enough words to accurately describe the measure of His love. It's the truest and realest love I have ever felt. 
Jesus Christ is my personal and eternal Savior. Not just for those hard sins or those bad days, but the triumphs and the happiness too. Not just for a slip up once or twice. But for every time. He knows I'm not perfect. He knows I'll fall down. But he helps me back up and helps me see my potential. He sees me as who I am even when I can't, and he treats me like the daughter of Almighty God I was born to be. 
The Holy Spirit is a priceless and precious gift. I'm eternally grateful for his guidance, his patience and long suffering. Without the Spirit we are lost with no way of knowing where to go. 

Honestly, I could go in forever about this stuff. I just spent 18 months of my life learning about it and seeing it work. Ask me and I'll never shut up about it. 

I am changed. I am better. And I'm grateful for your support and prayers on this journey of mine. Never forget that you are not alone. You have 4 people (three of whom I just mentioned and the other being me,) who are always willing and able to help. 

I'll see y'all real real soon! 

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, December 7, 2020

I'm pretty sure our neighbors are professional bowlers

 Howdy do 

This email was supposed to be sent last week 
I've still got a final email to write after this one. Just thought I'd send it anyway

I have no idea why I started saying that, or what prompted me to start, but I guess it's happening now because I literally cannot stop. 
Also, I apologize for not sending my email last week. It's been wild these past two weeks. 
Okay so here's the run-down of the last two weeks:

First of all, Adam got BAPTIZED! Craziest baptism ever, and all of my baptisms have been super random and crazy. I've never had a normal baptism. This guy came out of nowhere and wanted to be baptized in .2 seconds. Well, he did and now he's been a member for about a week and a half now and it's fabulous. It was a small and kinda lonely baptism to be honest, with only 5 people. But it was an incredible and exciting experience nonetheless!

Then of course the next day was Thanksgiving and that was wonderful! We had a member offer to bring us food, but it was gonna be like instant potatoes, jarred gravy, and other gross stuff, (sorry to anyone who likes that haha.) Soooooooo we made it all ourselves. Turkey, rolls, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, gravy, pies, and assorted others. It was delicious and a great way to celebrate my official 17 month mark! 

We also got a brand new companion! It's been wild! She's crazy and sassy and I love her! Now I'm in a trio again. We have so much fun and I've been making so much good food! We laugh and talk and we're best friends already and it makes me so happy. She's from Utah (haha dangit) but she's so chill and we are pretty similar. I can be my usual sarcastic and teasing self, and she understands my humor! Her name Sorella Tucker. She is actually called to the Milan Italy mission, so she speaks Italian which is hilarious bc now we have 3 languages in the house so language calls get confusing. We're all learning each other's languages now. It's pretty confusing but I'm okay with it! 

Alma 9:26-27
《Et il ne se passera pas beaucoup de jours que le Fils de Dieu ne vienne dans sa gloire ; et sa gloire sera la gloire du Fils unique du Père, plein de grâce, d’équité et de vérité, plein de patience, de miséricorde et de longanimité, prompt à écouter les supplications de son peuple et à répondre à ses prières.
Et voici, il vient racheter ceux qui seront baptisés au repentir, par la foi en son nom.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Oh trust me, it's all the Big Man upstairs

 Friends, family, assorted loved ones, 

It has been an amazing week! I can't accurately describe how genuinely happy I've been this week. I have been able to feel true joy as we've been in lessons and meeting with people. It's incredible to understand and know that I am doing the work of the Lord and that He trusts me enough to give me these incredible people who need me right now. That, if nothing else, gives me purpose and worth. I am so incredibly humbled to be loved so deeply. 

I love my companion so much it's scary. She and I just get along so well! We have this unity that I don't even know how we got but I love it! 

So, let me be the first to say, THANK YOU for your prayers and your faith. I'm amazed and excited that the Lord is trusting us with this miracle. His name is Adam and we met him on Sunday! He's been taught before, way back in February, and has been studying on his own since he lost contact with the previous missionaries. He knows the gospel better than I do sometimes! He basically texted us and said "Hey how do I join your church? I know the Book of Mormon is modern scripture, that Joseph Smith is a prophet of this modern dispensation, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church of God on the Earth." We taught him on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and he received his baptismal interview and passed with flying colors. This man is incredible and I can feel the power of his testimony every time he shares it. It's amazing! 

We're incredibly busy with planning the baptism so I apologize that this is so short, but know I'm happy and healthy, alive and well! 

Oh, also we had Zone Conference and I gave my departing testimony and bawled like a baby so here are some tearful pictures! 

Alma 32:26
《Or, comme je l’ai dit concernant la foi — que ce n’était pas une connaissance parfaite — ainsi en est-il de mes paroles. Vous ne pouvez pas, dès l’abord, savoir à la perfection qu’elles sont sûres, pas plus que la foi n’est une connaissance parfaite.》

Câlins et bisous,
Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, November 9, 2020

I apologize if I crinkle in the night

 Hey hey family and friends! 

This week has been wild and my memory ran away with it. I'll try my bestest for y'all. 

So, turns out I just love my companion. We are so so similar! We have studies as a companionship every day, and when we get to the part when we talk about our personal studies, we both rant about how much we truly love the gospel! We just bear testimony and feed off of one another's energy. We also take nightly walks and we chat about life and the gospel and our missionary work and breathe in some good clean air. I love this gal! 

The work has been amazing! Truly fulfilling and keeps me very busy for which I am grateful! We are teaching a number of people and I'll list em off, because I would really appreciate a prayer or two for them! Merci beaucoup mon amis! 
Joanne: she's a lovely Bible study lady who we meet with twice every week. She's slowly gaining more trust with us and opening up, and we really want her to be able to come to Church! 
Williams: he's our lil buddy! He's a younger guy, really sweet, and has learned a lot about the gospel. We're hoping to get him on date for baptism really soon! He's almost there! 
Patricia: she's a friend that has been taught before but struggles with remembering everything we teach! Pray that we can meet with her and help her!
Larice: she's new, but we already love her dearly. There is a special light about her and I think she could possibly be one of the happiest people I've ever had the good fortune of meeting. She actually reminds me a lot of my old mission president, Pres Mutombo. 
Thank you for your support and constant prayers, I need them and I'm very grateful for them! 

This week was our very first Bible study class! We have been getting a lot of requests from our friends to do a Bible studies with them, so we came up with a brilliant idea! We invited both members and nonmembers to join us on Friday nights. Hopefully it'll be a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and make some new friends. 

To explain the pictures down below, we did indeed paint our wall! Luckily it was only washable paint and we got to clean it up afterwards. It was for a video. Basically, the wall represents our lives. We all start out clean and fresh. And along comes life with its sins, stains, temptations, hate, and a whole lotta other stuff. The bad stuff is represented by the paint. It messes up our perfect lil white wall and we get dirty! Luckily, we have something called the Atonement of Jesus Christ to help us and uplift us. Through Jesus Christ, we can be washed free from sins and be restored to an even brighter and better us! 
We had a ton of fun throwing paint at our wall and we definitely got it in more places than we anticipated it going. We were covered and the carpet is now rainbow colored! 

So yeah, life has been good! We're making delicious food, we're going on long walks, and we're building lifelong friendships out here. I couldn't ask for more! I'm definitely feeling a little bit of sadness and panic set in as the weeks are starting to go by too fast, but I'm also learning how to accept change with grace and dignity and gratitude. What a great time to learn about giving thanks, huh? 

Éther 6:9
《Et ils chantèrent des louanges au Seigneur ; oui, le frère de Jared chantait des louanges au Seigneur, et il remerciait et louait le Seigneur tout le jour ; et lorsque la nuit arrivait, ils ne cessaient de louer le Seigneur.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Just a lil dino and his buddies

 SO. It's been too long! Let me update you!

Transfers happened; I love my new companion. She's a hoot! We are two peas in a pod. Very very similar! We even sound almost exactly alike! She's sweet as can be and I'm so very excited for this lovely transfer we'll have together! She's from California, so we are fellow west coasters. She was trained by Sister Wood, the first sister I trained. We call our trainers our "mission moms" so technically I'm her "mission grandma" which is so funny! She's an actual angel sent from heaven, and I'm so glad I have Heavenly Father directing us because He knew I needed her in my life. 

Last week was very busy! We went to a harvest farm, carved pumpkins, went shopping, and cleaned the apartment. The harvest farm was adorable! There were so many pumpkins, gourds, flowers, produce, and little farm goodies. It made me miss Bauman's and EZ Orchards. *sigh* But we got to pick out some cute lil pumpkins and we got way too many! We love autumn here in Reisterstown.

We also got some neat news. The Sister Training Leaders called us to tell us that we got a new assignment! We are now the official messenger Sisters! We have a Facebook page for our area that we serve in. When someone comments on a post or messages the page, we get those messages and have to respond and send them off to the missionaries closest to them! It's really exciting! There'll be another weekly meeting to add in, which isn't super exciting, but we get to be busy on the page and work with all the missionaries in our Zone! 

Also, our friend Williams actually showed up to church!! He said he must have enjoyed it because it flew by! He was so happy and we even saw him shed a tear or two. Hopefully he'll be able to show up again next Sunday! 

Also, it snowed today. Just a flurry but I thought I'd share because I actually could not believe my eyes. 
Also welcome to November! 

1 Néphi 21:15-16 
《Car une femme oublie-t-elle l’enfant qu’elle allaite ? N’a-t-elle pas pitié du fruit de ses entrailles ? Quand elle l’oublierait, moi je ne t’oublierai point, ô maison d’Israël.
Voici, je t’ai gravée sur mes mains ; tes murs sont toujours devant mes yeux.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Schedule?! You're 9 years old, you don't have a schedule!

 Hey all! 

I ain't said anything to y'all for a while! I'm sorry! But life is pretty much the same for me, and has been for a while. 
We recently got transfer news, and I learned that I am staying right here in Hampstead, and Sister Im is leaving me for another trio. My new companion's name is Sister Davis and I know pretty much nothing about her. Apparently, she was trained by the Sister I trained, which means I'm her grandmother in the mission. That makes me feel very old hahahaha. I'm getting to the point in my mission where the only people I know older than me are only some Elders and a couple of Sisters. Everyone else is younger than me and I don't know the majority of the mission. Every Tuesday we have a mission wide meeting and I get to see brand new faces of missionaries I've never even heard of before. I'm quite certain Sister Im is annoyed with my constant question, "Who the heck is that? When did they come out?" It's fun to see all the fresh blood and new ideas come out of the new generation. 
I only have one full transfer left my friends. And some change. Which means 8 weeks left and I'm so sad. The mission has been, and continues to be, the best experience I've ever been blessed to be a part of. Every day I learn and grown and get better. I'm so grateful for the lessons I've learned and the opportunity to be better than I ever was before. 
This week has been fun, but filled with a lot of goodbyes and lasts. I'm just glad the relationships I'm building out here will be able to continue. God can put the most amazing people in your path that you didn't even know could help you so much. 
I am happier than ever and so excited to have these last precious weeks! The Lord continues to bless me and I see His hand in my life every single day. I know He's in yours. 

Éther 12:37
《37 Et il arriva que le Seigneur me dit : S’ils n’ont pas la charité, cela n’a pas d’importance pour toi, tu as été fidèle ; c’est pourquoi tes vêtements seront purifiés. Et parce que tu as vu ta faiblesse, tu seras rendu fort au point de t’asseoir dans le lieu que j’ai préparé dans les demeures de mon Père.》

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

Monday, September 28, 2020

My Tilly is dented!

 Hi mom! 

I'm still sane and yes I do bake a lot still. 
Do you ever relax into a new routine and then look back and think, hmmm. That's strange. I didn't realize how weird that was until just now. That's kinda what Covid and being a missionary in quarantine has been like for me. It just became normal and I've grown accustomed to it now, so sometimes when someone mentions my odd situation, I actually get a little startled and think, "Huh. You're actually so right." 

I'm sorry for not sending an update email last week. Time got away from me. Someday I'll have good time management. That day is not today. But honestly, I had a boring week anyway....

Honestly this week was as well, but we made the best of it. We went back to the Asian market for more goods to make yummy Korean food! I'm excited! Plus, their seafood was wicked cheap so I'm having fish tacos this week! 

Okay okay so let's get real. (You know you're a missionary when the Safety Zone song goes through your head. Blegh.) 

I had a lil experience I felt like sharing because your testimony can only grow as far as you spread it, ya know? 

So a few days ago, I was feeling very low. I got caught up in my thoughts and allowed my doubts to cloud judgement. Honestly and truly, I took small problems or mistakes and altered them to be massive problems and complete failures. I felt I even deserved to be chastised from the Lord, or at least punished in some way. I was sorrowful, and guilty. I began to pray in my heart. Sincere and honest, apologizing and pleading. And I began to write in my journal my thoughts and feelings. As I was finishing the page, I signed my name, "Love, Sister Morrison," and I thought to myself, "Am I even worthy of the title anymore?" Immediately, a swift and powerful feeling entered my heart. I AM worthy. I'm SO loved. Instead of rebuking, the Lord softly and gently reminded me of my worth. I was perplexed but grateful. Tears began to roll out of my eyes. I thought I deserved harshness or anger, I felt ashamed, and yet the Lord chose to instead remind me of His infinite love for me. I can hardly type this without feeling gratitude and my eyes filling with more tears. That day He first choose to love me. Then He reminded me of Jesus Christ and his infinite atoning power, and how through it we can receive forgiveness and become better and more pure. He reminded me that it's okay. That I will mess up, but the best part of messing up is that I can be lifted back up again. That I can become stronger and better. That is a miracle my friends. One that happens all the time! 

Our God is good. He is loving. He is merciful. You just have to trust in that. And if you don't, trust in me. 

Éther 6:12 
《Et ils abordèrent sur le rivage de la terre promise. Et lorsqu’ils eurent mis pied sur les rivages de la terre promise, ils se prosternèrent sur la surface du pays, et s’humilièrent devant le Seigneur, et versèrent des larmes de joie devant le Seigneur à cause de l’immensité de ses tendres miséricordes envers eux》

Have an amazing week all you amazing sons and daughters of the Almighty. 

Câlins et bisous, Sœur Morrison 
Onward and Upward 
Que Dieu vous bénisse 

I ont e'en nö

  Well folks Friends Family  Here we are  Honestly, I wasn't sure how I got here. Now looking back, I can see it a little better.  I...